This is a list of new game features, and is prone to change.
Map sizes are 128 (PopTB), 256, or 512
Mage - a new unit with some limited low level spell casting abilities
Persistent lava flows
Apocaltpyic events, including deluge, dying planet, and meteor impact.
Random weather events, including rain storm, snow storm, and thunder storm.
Mage Warrior Training Hut
Solar Flare - An area of effect burn damage spell, causes damage to buildings and units.
Summon Dead - A temporary group of undead warriors is summoned.
Whirlpool - ocean based spell that can sink ships.
Lightning storm - summon an electrical storm.
Wolfpack - summon a pack of wolves to mame and destroy.
Poltergeist - inflict demons on buildings, percentage chance at night for units in buildings to be attacked by demons.
8 Players maximum
Alliance Assist: help build your allies buildings, even use their training huts.
AI hostility rating, depending on which tribe inflicts the most damage